The Center for Internet Security (CIS) has developed the CIS Critical Security Controls (CIS Controls) and CIS Benchmarks, which provide a collection of best practices and guidelines targeting essential aspects of system security. These encompass secure configurations, access controls, and vulnerability management. CIS Benchmarks, in particular, focus on establishing secure baseline configurations, also referred to as CIS baselines, for operating systems, applications, and cloud environments, offering organizations a practical starting point for safeguarding their IT infrastructure. Adhering to the recommendations of CIS Controls, CIS Benchmarks, and complying with CIS standards empower organizations to methodically fortify their systems, diminish the potential attack surface, and effectively alleviate prevalent security risks.
Navigating toward CIS compliance in the business landscape is seldom a seamless journey, and it’s not uncommon to encounter occasional challenges along the way. While the specific challenges can vary based on the organization’s size, industry, and existing infrastructure, here are some common challenges associated with achieving CIS compliance:
Implementing all CIS controls can strain budgets due to the need for additional tools, personnel, and training. Smaller teams, already handling multiple tasks, may find the dedicated effort required for CIS compliance particularly challenging.
Some CIS controls require complex configurations and expert knowledge. Integrating these with legacy systems can be difficult, necessitating compatibility assessments and upgrades. The constantly evolving cybersecurity landscape also demands that CIS controls be updated to address new threats, making this an ongoing, resource-intensive effort.
Proving CIS compliance involves thorough documentation, audits, and possibly external certifications. Maintaining compliance requires continuous monitoring and adjustments, as it’s an ongoing process, not a one-time task.