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CalCom Security Solution (CSS) for IIS Server is a hardening automation solution intended specifically for web server middleware

Why Should You Pay Special Attention to Your IIS Server?

CSS for IIS is designed to reduce operational costs and to increase your web infrastructure’s security and compliance posture. CSS for IIS automatically indicates the impact of configuration changes on production servers, therefore reducing hardening costs. CSS for IIS ensures resilient, constantly hardened, and monitored web servers.


Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is one of the most widely-used web server platforms in enterprises today.  IIS configuration presents unique security challenges that must be addressed, due to the complexity of the vulnerabilities it exposes the organization to. Securing the configuration settings of web infrastructure middleware is essential for your organization’s security and compliance posture.


Deploying secured configuration settings on an IIS Server may prove to be costly, repetitive, and complicated to manage – for two reasons:

Downtime and testing requirements
While using manual methods to harden IIS configurations, critical functionalities may be affected and could cause web infrastructure downtime. In order to prevent this, IT teams spend long hours testing policies in lab  environments before deploying them on IIS servers in production environments.
Maintaining compliance

The exposure to the web and to unknown users in an enterprise environment makes it difficult to ensure that systems remain locked down, thus requiring IT teams to repeat the hardening process on a regular basis.



How it works

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Features & benefits

Learning mode: reduce operational costs and prevent downtime
  • Indicates the reason why an object can’t be hardened, marks the object, and saves it as an exception.
  • Compares different policies for a single web server, allowing you to choose the strictest possible hardening policy that won’t affect operations at all
  • Enables a Sys Admin to learn a single IIS server and apply the policy to an entire group of identical IIS servers.
  • Aids in the management of conflicts with Group Policy Objects (GPO).
Centralized enforcement: easy change management
  • Minimizes the number of people requiring enforcement-level authorization privileges.
  • Easier to manage than traditional enforcement methods, therefore minimizing unwanted configuration drifts.
  • Offers cross-platform change management, including one-click rollback to the previous policies. The rollback action can be reviewed in the system-generated reports as well.
  • Allows easy policy modification from one centralized dashboard.
Applied change control: ensures continuously hardened environment
  • Performs gap analysis at pre-determined time intervals.
  • Enforces the hardened values in the event of unwanted modifications – thus preventing configuration drifts.

Experience a personalized demo

See how automated policy enforcement enables continuous compliance