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CalCom Hardening Suite (CHS)

CHS is a flexible hardening tool with the unique ability to ‘Learn’ where desired hardening changes will adversely impact production activity

The Baseline Deployment Challenge

Server hardening is a fundamental step in an enterprise’s security assessment, but deploying it can prove to be costly, repetitive, and complicated to manage for two main reasons:
Downtime and Testing Requirements
While using manual hardening methods or familiar hardening tools, the hardening process may affect the OS or an application’s functionality and cause server downtime. In order to prevent downtime, IT teams spend long hours testing policies in lab environments before deploying them on servers in production environments.
Configuration Drift
The authorization of multiple privileged users in an enterprise environment makes it difficult to ensure that servers remain hardened, thus, requiring IT teams to repeat the hardening process on a regular basis due to configuration drifts.
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CalCom’s Benefits


CalCom Hardening Suite (CHS) is the ideal choice for IT Operation teams and CISOs looking to create a secured configured infrastructure. CHS enforces and manages server hardening in an automated way without breaking server or application operations. CHS monitors the hardened servers' policy, prevents unauthorized changes, provides compliance dashboards and in addition allows a rollback to the original version if needed
Reduce hardening costs
CHS eliminates the cost of creating lab environments for simulating the impact of security policies on servers. With CHS, the impact is analyzed directly on the production environments.
Avoid downtime and outages
CHS predicts the impact of a policy on production servers. By visualizing the impact, CHS’s smart risk management determines the values that will or will not result in server outage when hardened.
Maintaining cybersecurity posture
CHS enforces server security policies in real time, thus, ensuring that the servers are proactively protected.
Enable Ops teams to enforce extensive security policies
Our 'Learning' mode simulates the policy impact on production and reports on what can be enforced without breaking server operation or applications.

Product Features

CHS "Learning" mode capability
The CHS proprietary 'learning' mode identifies the reason why an object cannot be hardened, marks the object, and saves it as an exception. It then compares different policies for a single server, enabling you to choose the strictest possible hardening policy that will not break or disrupt operations.
Impact Analysis and Policy Management with CHS
CHS performs an automated impact analysis on production, ensuring zero server outages and no investment of your engineer’s time in testing. It enables a Sys Admin to learn one server and apply the policy to a group of identical servers, and aids in managing conflicts with Group Policy Objects (GPO).

Experience a personalized demo

See how automated policy enforcement enables continuous compliance